Saturday, September 21, 2024

Samhain Project '24 : The Last Shift

The Last Shift is a low volume thriller by Anthony DiBlasi that would trip Jason Blum's trigger.  It has one primary protagonist, about four other cast members, and it all takes place in one building.  That structure being an abandoned police station. 

Taking a bump from John Carpenter's Assault on Precinct 13, you have a single police officer (in this case a female rookie) who is to run the last shift of a police station closing after its final night. 

After a freaky and confusing encounter with her shift's predecessor, she's left alone.  Clearly, you can tell she's prepared for the rigors of police work, as she's studying the department manual and reciting it, and the way she handles the first piece of rough business is excellently accomplished.  She takes no guff as gradually weirder and weirder shit starts to occur.  

The only major downfall in this film in my eyes is a late revelation that makes this positioning of the young woman something nobody on the police force would ever consider.  

But I digress. 

Eventually we learn demonic entities are involved here, in some way tied to our young officer's father (a dead ex-cop) and a cult that leave our leading lady wondering what's real and what's not.  The tension builds nicely in this one, as it goes from creepy to scary in its quick running time.  Excellent low budget work and comes highly recommended. 

This film was made in 2014 and for some reason, a couple of years ago the same filmmaker decided that instead of making a sequel, he would remake this one.  I've not seen the second attempt, but after seeing this, I'm not sure why he went in that direction. 


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