Saturday, October 31, 2009


I don't know if I'm in the right frame of mind to be writing anything. But I just saw a commercial for Jim Beam, wherein all the "guys" in the ad were renting frickin' puppies for the sake of landing ass. The tagline of the commercial is "Guys never change".


Not real different from the Coors Light spots a few years back showing adult men acting like freshly pubescent pervs rolling around in the snow with 3/4 naked women, shoving chicken wings down their gullets, and masticating in hot tubs.

These are guys.

What about those of us, who believe in monogamy, who do our best to instill intelligent decision making, unique thought, and solid, (albeit controversial in my family) values in raising our children. Am I in the minority.

How about Kid Rock. Homeboy has his own whiskey line, and preaches about drinking and living responsibly. Sorry, Kid, not gonna turn big profits if people buy your whiskey, down one shot and put it away. You're suspect. And how can a person who has been putting it to Pamela Anderson give discretionary advice?

Maybe I'm crabby and taking all this too seriously, maybe I'm a bitch. But I sit here on my warm couch alone, petting my dogs, wishing my kid was home instead of staying at a friend's, and being nowhere in the friggin' zip code of a chicken wing.

And I'm stone cold sober.

Go Figure.

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